Thursday, January 8, 2009

Advantages of Greenhouse Grown Flowers in the Philippines

Roses can be cultivated by hand in a backyard garden or in a traditional flower farm. To produce high-quality roses, conditions such as soil type, amount and type of fertilizer, moisture, and temperature should be kept as perfect as possible. Pest control is also a top priority of any rose grower. However, some of the factors in growing the best roses possible are often things that no grower can ever have the power to control. Factors, such as the unpredictable changes in temperature (rain, excessive heat), the moisture content in the air and in the soil, and the invasion of pests in the garden. Growing roses takes skill and patience. Growing good roses the natural way takes skill, patience, and most important of all: talent.

However, we live in an age where advanced techniques coupled with up-to-date technology makes all the difference in our daily work. In this case, growing roses in a greenhouse is more practical that doing it old-style. In a greenhouse, all the factors needed to produce high-quality roses are maintained at a constant level. Before, a rose grower needs to rely on the unpredictability of nature to produce top-quality flowers, now he or she just needs to adjust the conditions needed to produce the perfect blooms.

The Philippines is a country that is highly vulnerable to typhoons during the wet season and sweltering heat during summer. Trying to grow roses in such an unpredictable environment wastes time and money. With the use of a greenhouse, the grower doesn't need to be on constant call in case it rains or the temperature rises without warning. This allows him or her to attend to other matters of business, thus resulting in a much more efficient work environment. Also, unpredictable changes in the natural environment can damage the flowers, thus resulting in the loss of money and effort of the grower.

The production of roses becomes more efficient and predictable with the use of a greenhouse. This cuts the cost of the flowers while at the same time increasing their availability in the Philippine market. In other words, the price and supply of roses in the Philippine market is stabilized once they are cultivated in greenhouses.

Besides the issues of price and supply, greenhouse-grown roses have more vibrant colors than the traditional open field grown ones. Other characteristics are a clean bud and stem and a much longer vase life (which means that they stay fresh longer after being cut). This is because greenhouse-grown roses are absolutely free from pests and the harsh conditions of the natural environment. They are also provided with the proper nutrition while being carefully cultivated.

This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Flower Shop Philippines. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can send Gifts to Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.