Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Undisciplined Trader

The undisciplined trader is likely to lose more than can ever be gained. Discipline is at the very basis of success in the market because traders need to be consistent in order to yield consistent profits. Granted, striking it rich every once in a while seems great, but consider the gambler than wins $50,000 one trip out of 50 and loses $2,000 every other time. Instead of profiting, they come out very much behind.

Trading goals

With discipline should come a respect for your own trading goals. Your trading goals should include elements such as how much you want to earn, how much risk you can handle, and most importantly, how to generate profits. In life, we’re taught to do what we want, rather than picking a career based solely on earnings, but in trading, the successful trader picks trades on how much they can make, rather than how much they’ll enjoy taking it. Trading goals will help you better define why you’re trading and hopefully add an element of discipline, as we know the only way to meet most goals is with disciplined investments.

Unable to stand with what we believe

Many traders lose their principles because they do not see an immediate result and have very few reasons to continue down their own path. In many cases, this is due to a lack of education on trading topics, a void in understanding how trading works, and why the long term results are really what counts in the end. Traders that lose hope should consider taking a few classes to prepare for the ups and downs of the market and look into an online, live coaching solution. An online, live coaching solution is better than any book or text on trading largely because it can provide the encouragement to continue. Because trading is so heavily based on our own emotions and feelings, we often need something more than just a wall of words to comfort us through each trade.

Become disciplined again

Trading education and resource programs commonly stress maintaining a solid approach to the financial markets. Sticking to your own trading plans and proven strategies is the only way to produce consistent profits; otherwise we’re throwing darts rather than placing positions. Discipline tells us that proven strategies ultimately pay more in the long run than they lose – traders must never lose hope that a system isn’t working due to just a few bad trades. Sticking to your own proven strategies rather than the whim of emotions will help you improve your trading just for the sole reason of consistency and discipline. Stick to your proven strategy, and you’ll soon conquer your own trading goals

About the Author:
Leroy Rushing is an active, professional day trader; trading coach; and author. He is the Founder and CEO of Trading EveryDay, a distinguished provider of educational trading products and services that are available worldwide. Trading EveryDay has complimentary/FREE products, a Tools of the Trade eBook and a Trading Room Report, that are downloadable for your convenience.