Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Buy (Product) Red Gadgets - Help Global Fund - Save Lives

Gadget geeks are always like kids on Christmas Day whenever they get a gizmo that they really want. But you know what feels way better than that? That is being able to indulge in your gadget heaven and know that the money you spent in buying that gadget helped save a person’s life in Africa. That is the pitch of (Product) RED.

(Product) RED is a line of products from highly recognizable brand-name companies that chose to support (RED). (RED) is an organization that was co-founded by Bono and DATA chairman Bobby Shriver to assist the Global Fund in raising funds for the fight against HIV and AIDS in Africa. RED products cost just as much as a regular product, but a portion of the money a consumer spends in buying a RED product goes directly to the Global Fund

Gadget geeks will be happy to note that there are RED gadgets included in the list of offerings under the (Product) RED line.

Motorola (Product) RED

Wireless company Motorola has launched a line of RED products, including RED MOTOSLVR and RED MOTORAZR. Part of the money used to purchase these RED products will go straight to Global Fund. In the United Kingdom, users of the cellphone units under Motorola’s (Product) RED line have a percentage of their monthly bills donated to the Global Fund as well

iPod (Product) RED

Music lovers will not only enjoy the feeling of doing something good with their money, but they will also love playing with their sleek and sexy iPod nano and iPod shuffle (Product) RED line from Apple. It has all the good things that the regular iPod nano and the iPod shuffle have. Apple also has the iTunes (Product) RED card that can be used to make purchases on the iTunes store.

Dell and Windows (Product) RED

The newest XPS (Product) RED line of Dell offers state-of-the-art computing pleasure. The XPS (Product) RED line includes one desktop, the XPS ONE; two notebooks, the XPS M1330 and the XPS M1530; and the Dell 946 All-in-One Printer. The XPS One desktop and the XPS notebooks are bundled with the Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (Product) RED edition. The Vista Ultimate (Product) RED edition also has exclusive (Product) RED-related content such as gadgets and wallpapers.

Other RED Products

RED products are not limited to these RED gadgets. GAP and Converse also have garments under the (Product) RED line, as well as Armani. American Express has a (Product) RED card that allows its users to contribute 1% of their spending to the Global Fund. Hallmark also has a (Product) RED line of greeting cards and other items.

Buying (Product) RED items is a cool way to make a difference in this world. In buying RED products, not just RED gadgets, you get to contribute to the Global Fund and help save a life in Africa.

About the Author:
This Article is written by James Kara Murat from, the contributor of Printer Ink Related Articles. More information on the subject is at Buy (Product) Red Gadgets - Help Global Fund - Save Lives, and related resources can be found at PrintCountry FAQ.