Thursday, September 3, 2009

Xytomax - A Natural Approach to Male Enhancement


The market for male enhancement pills is constantly growing. Recent estimates show that American males spend up to $10 billion each year on male enhancement pills and other sexual enhancement products. This shows the desire inside every man to be better in bed. In fact, one study discovered that over 65% of males secretly wished they were able to perform better during sex.

Unfortunately, this huge demand for male enhancement products has opened the door for many scams. Companies promote inferior products that make absurd claims they simply cannot live up to. Because there are so many male enhancement scams, some consumers believe the entire industry is a farce. But that’s not the case.

Xytomax is proof of the good part of the male enhancement industry. These all natural male enhancement pills are designed to help men improve the quality and size of their erections as well as boost their stamina in bed.

How does it work? Let’s check out some Xytomax reviews to find out.

Xytomax Reviews

The ultimate goal of Xytomax is to help men last as long as they want during sex. It accomplishes this through the use of proven natural supplements. But take note, Xytomax isn’t an instant cure. This natural male enhancement product steadily provides results over time in a safe manner that allows your body to adjust to the increase in testosterone and HGH levels.

Here’s an outline of what men can expect when taking Xytomax.

· Month 1—During the first few weeks on Xytomax, most men report having an easier time getting aroused. Some men even see slight increases in length and girth.

· Months 2-3—This is when the real results start to show up. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation report a significant increase in control over their erection. Testers also said they were significantly larger by month 3.

· Months 4-6—At this point, men taking Xytomax feel like kings in the bedroom. The climaxes are much more powerful, and the overall sexual appetite and energy level is higher than ever before.

· Months 7-9—During these months, men continue to experience an increase in energy levels and sexual stamina. Greater control over climaxes also occurs.

· Months 10-12—This is where Xytomax subjects will reach the peak of their sexual performance. They are larger, stronger, and more energetic than ever before. Simply put, if you complete this Xytomax regimen, you’ll be able to do everything you’ve always wished in the bedroom.

Xytomax Ingredients

Xytomax contains a unique formula of herbal and botanical extracts. Included in the list of Xytomax ingredients are vitamin B3, zinc, maca root, epimedium saggitatum, ginseng root, L-arginine, guarana extract, yohimbe bark extract, damiana, and other herbal supplements. The result is a potent male enhancement product that delivers the most significant results on the market.

Does Xytomax Work?

So, does Xytomax work? Well, if you’ve paid attention to this article at all, you know the answer is yes! A recent clinical study found that nearly 90% of all male testers were highly satisfied with Xytomax and would continue taking it after the study was complete.

James Klein is a satisfied Xytomax customer who regularly studies male enhancement reviews and male enhancement studies.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 Questions and Answers about Stun Guns

Stuns are around us for quite a long time. These ultimate self defense tools are the perfect companion for the women on the go. Though the use of stun guns for personal safety is banned in certain parts of this planet, most of the places where the crime rate is on the rise encourage the use of the stun guns. With the introduction of online superstores to buy the stun guns, buying stun guns is no big deal, no matter in which part of the planet you live. However, stun guns are not very familiar to the people out there. And obviously, people have lots of questions when planning to buy the stun guns. Though there are many information sources available online to check the legal procedures for the use of stun guns, there are only a very few articles which explain some of the simple but much needed questions about the stun guns. This article is all about the 3 common questions about the stun guns with their answers.

1. Are Stun Guns Only For Women?

The answer is no. Stuns guns can be owned by anyone who is concerned about his/her personal safety. In fact women are most exposed to the threats in the society and so the stun guns are widely used by women. Moreover, some men can resist attacks and subdue their assailant without the assistance of any self defense tools. If you are a man who thinks that you cannot deal with the emergency situations without any assistance, then you have to get a stun gun to lead a peaceful life.

2. Why Isn’t Personal Safety Legal In All Parts Of The World?

Personal safety is legal in all parts of the world. However, the use of certain tools for self defense is banned in certain parts because they are misused for several purposes. For example, stun guns will be used for subduing the people and stealing their belongings. Because of this fact the use of the stun guns are restricted in certain parts of the world. However, in such places where the use of the stun guns are restricted for self defense, the government authorities will use them to take care of the public’s safety. For example, in India, stun guns can be used only by the police.

3. Where to Buy Stun Guns?

Stun guns are available in the conventional self defense stores and also in the online superstores. Buying stun guns from the online stores has many benefits. The prices of the stun guns will be cheap when bought online. Moreover, you can buy them by just relaxing in your home. Some of the best online stores for stun guns provide many most wanted information about stun guns too.

Hope you had one of these questions in mind, and you are clear now.

Fabiola Castillo is an online marketer for the website This virtual store specializes in selling wholesale stun guns, kubatons, Mace pepper spray, strongest most powerful stun guns, cell phone stun guns, Air Tasers, home security equipment, and many other self defense products.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Self Defense With Stun Guns

As a matter of fact everyone out there would have seen stun guns appearing in many movies. Some people even have a misconception that stun guns are just fictional self defense items created for the movies. Most of them out there are not aware of the fact that they can own a stun gun for their personal safety. Stun guns are widely used by the police to control situations like riots. In fact, stun guns can be used only by the police in some parts of the world such as India. However, there are several other places where the stun guns can be used by the public for self defense. Some of them even think that the stun guns are lethal. The fact is that stun guns resemble nothing like the conventional guns and most importantly, stun guns are completely non-lethal. The stun guns can only subdue a person for a short period f time. The main aim of using the stun guns is to get an escape time.

The Working Principle of Stun Guns

Stun guns work on the basic principle of electric current. You are well aware of the fact that the human body transmits electrical signals between various organs and the brain. With a shot of the stun gun, the human body’s electrical signal will be interrupted, there by resulting in sudden degradation of energy in the muscles. This causes the attacker to fall unconscious and allow enough escape time. Remember that no deaths have been reported by the use of a properly rated stun gun.

The Ease in Using Stun Guns

Though these stun guns are effective self defense items, many people do not buy them because they think that stun guns are very hard to operate. The real fact is that it is very easy to use stun guns. However, you have to get close to the person posing the threat to get a clear shot. In fact, we will be using stun guns only if the attacker gets close to us.

The Ease of Buying Stun Guns

If you live in a country where it is legal to use the stun guns, you can easily purchase them from online stores. Stun guns used for personal safety do not need any kind of licensing. So you can order them online and get them delivered to your doorstep. Though stun guns are readily available in the self defense stores, you have to check with your local laws before you buy them. If the use of stun guns is restricted in your area, you will fall into deep legal issues.

Remember that self defense is indispensable to live peacefully in today’s modern world.

Fabiola Castillo is an online marketer for the website This virtual store specializes in selling wholesale stun guns, kubatons, Mace pepper spray, strongest most powerful stun guns, cell phone stun guns, Air Tasers, home security equipment, and many other self defense products.

Friday, August 28, 2009

May You Have Largeness of Heart as You Train

Learning and growing often involve coming to grips with new ideas which challenge, expand and sometimes even counter previously-held ideas. It requires of the learner that he have largeness of heart to be able to embrace much.

“And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore.” (1 Kings 4:29)

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [those with an openness to learn] for they shall be filled. Blessed are the meek [the humble] for they shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:6,5). Ask God for largeness of heart and meekness that you may receive all that He wants to give you.

Becoming a Berean
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, to see whether those things WERE SO.” (Acts 17:11, emphasis mine)

I can either try to prove things “so”, or I can try to prove them “not so”. If I try to prove them not so, I have taken the accuser's stance, which, of course, is satan's. As I teach my Christian University students, we must be Bereans.

The Stretching of Growth Generally Produces Temporary Pain
When you begin a new exercise, there is generally some stretching and pain involved as you master it. This should also be true of your education, whether personal or at a theological seminary. You should anticipate stretching to learn and discover new skills, as well as stretching to get more things done in a week, and being stretched financially as you invest in your future development. Do not shy away from this discomfort. Embrace it and seek it out. Make sure you are placing enough demand on your life so that you are indeed stretching and multiplying gifts as the Lord Jesus commanded in the parable of the talents. Know that if you let the stretching process do its work, it will make you a larger person. Let that vision take you courageously through the discomfort you temporarily feel. Seek direction on how to best respond to the stretching in a wise and godly manner.

Mark Virkler is with Christian Leadership University. CLU is a Christian University and Online Bible College offering Christian education including Christian counseling and Christian theology seminaries and offers certificates, undergrad, Masters, and Doctorates in the various Christian colleges of CLU.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Appearance Matters At Job Interviews

Picture this: You are tasked with interviewing candidates for work in a food manufacturing facility. The job requires maintaining high sanitation standards, meaning that hairnets and beard restraints, coupled with long sleeve shirts and long pants must be worn in a wet, hot, work environment. The first job candidate for you to interview walks through the door wearing a gold chain, cut-off shorts and sandals. He is not wearing a shirt, and is sporting a mane of un-combed shoulder length hair. On the strength of the information alone in this true story, should he get the job?

You’re Selling Yourself
When preparing for a job interview, whether with one person or an entire team of people, it is important to remember you are representing a salable product: YOU. The way in which you walk, speak and appear makes an impression.

Much has been said about the importance of personal appearance by job candidates when going to job interviews, yet examples abound every day of people getting it wrong. Here are a few things to remember when heading out the door to that hard-won interview.

I used to know managers who said they decided on a job candidate at the handshake. Studies show this is quite common. In that brief moment, it is not what you say that may matter most to them, but what your appearance says about you.

Candidates interviewing with organizations having casual work environments are especially prone to error in knowing how to dress. Because all not casual clothing is suitable for every work environment, you must determine what is appropriate to wear to the interview. Clothing that works well for the beach, yard work, dance club, exercise session, and sporting event may not be appropriate for a professional appearance at work.

Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, back, chest, feet, stomach or underwear is not appropriate for most places of business, even in business casual settings. Additionally, clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled, and is generally unacceptable if torn, dirty, or frayed. Clothing having words or pictures that may be offensive is unacceptable, but clothing with fashion brand names conservatively displayed (e.g., Dockers, Izod, etc.), is usually okay.

Proper dress for an interview in a business casual environment does not necessarily mean wearing a suit and tie. Even if the interviewer is sitting there in a t-shirt and jeans with big holes in the knees, it is best practice for you to present a clean, neat appearance, and be dressed to a higher standard than the workplace/job requires. Candidates are never down-rated for dressing too well, but frequently are for not looking the part.

Make a Good Impression
Please remember to take a good look at yourself through the eyes of an interviewer before going to that interview, take steps to dress appropriately, and work hard at closing the "sale." Oh, what happened with the candidate mentioned at the beginning of this article? He was not considered a good job fit and did not get the job.

Gordon Walter is a professional resume maker / Resume writer with Reliable Resumes. Reliable Resumes is a Resume Service providing resume writing services for Professional Resumes and Executive Resumes. He also provides interview training and articles and information about how to make a resume on his website. The original article is available at:

Learning to Use the Eyes of Your Heart

I desire earnestly to live as Jesus did, out of the Father’s initiative, doing only what He saw His Father doing (Jn. 5:19,20; 8:38). However, before I could live that way, I needed first to learn how to become a seer.

I am convinced that the spirit world is there, whether or not I am seeing it. In becoming a seer I am simply learning to see what is. In learning to see, I am learning to bring alive an atrophied sense (i.e., my visionary capacity) and then present it to God to be filled.

Once my visionary sense has been rejuvenated and presented before Almighty God, I am offered the opportunity to live as did Jesus of Nazareth, out of the continuous flow of divine vision.

The Prophets of Israel could simply say, “I looked,” and as they quieted themselves before God, they saw (Dan. 7:2,9;13). I have found that once I have reclaimed the use of my visionary capacity, I too can simply quiet myself in the Lord’s presence, look, and see the visions of Almighty God. I am a “seer” simply because I have become a “looker.”

The Bible says we have not because we ask not. For years I never saw, because I never looked. As I teach people to look, I find that they become seers. This sounds simple, and it is for many, particularly those who are intuitive, spontaneous, and visionary by nature, and who have not allowed the pressure of a culture which idolizes logical, analytical and cognitive functions to cut off their natural, spontaneous openness to vision.

However, for those like myself, who were born naturally logical, analytical and cognitive and have had these inherent leanings reinforced by the rationalism of their culture, seeing the vision of God may not be so easy. Often the intuitive and visionary functions have literally atrophied and died through lack of use; therefore, for these people, the process in not as simple as just “looking” and “seeing.” Even as a muscle which has atrophied through lack of use must be exercised in order to restore its vitality, so must an unused, and thus atrophied, sense be exercised.

This involves three steps:

1. Repenting of the sin of scorning that which God has created,

2. asking God to breathe new life into this inner sense of seeing, and

3. developing this sense which God is restoring.

I began the process of restoration by repenting of my scorn toward my visionary capacity. I asked God’s forgiveness for not honoring and using that which He had created and given me. I also repented of participating in the idolization of logic and analytical thinking which had swept over me, as well as over my culture. I covenanted to honor and seek His ability to flow through vision as much as I had honored and sought His ability to flow through analytical thought.

Then I asked God to breathe upon my visionary capacity and restore it, to bring it back to life and teach me how to allow Him to flow through it.

Now I was ready to take my first few wobbly steps. As I sat in my study seeking God’s face, I was drawn to a scene from John 4 in which Jesus sat by the well and talked with a Samaritan woman. Sensing that God wanted to sit and talk with me, I pictured the scene with a slight adaptation. Instead of seeing the woman talking with Jesus, I saw myself talking with Jesus.

As I peered intently into the picture and looked to see what might happen, it came alive through the Holy Spirit and Jesus moved and gestured, as someone often does when he is talking. With His movement, there came into my heart His words and directives for my life. I sensed God’s voice as spontaneous, good thoughts.

This was the first time I had ever sought for vision in this way, and I was thrilled to see it so readily come alive and be taken over by the power of the Holy Spirit. You see, I had in essence poised myself for the divine flow by setting the scene and then asking God to fill it. I found as I repeated this experiment in subsequent days that God continued to move through these “self-made” scenes, causing them to come alive with His own life and become supernatural visions direct from the throne of grace.

Mark Virkler is with Christian Leadership University. CLU is a Christian University and Online Bible College offering Christian education including Christian counseling and Christian theology seminaries and offers certificates, undergrad, Masters, and Doctorates in the various Christian colleges of CLU.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Large Dog Collars & Clothes

Many times people say that they cannot find cute dog clothes and dog collars for their big dogs. They think the only things available are for small dogs. This is not true. There are many options for large dog clothing and large dog collars.

There are many different options when it comes to large dog clothes.

• Large Dog T-Shirts- one of the easiest things to find for big dogs are shirts with a design screen printed on. These shirts are normally the most cost effective because of the minimal amount of material needed. Along with shirts, big dog tank tops are very popular. You will be able to find everything from I Love Mommy shirts to Merry Christmas tank tops.
• Dog Tuxedo for Big Dogs- do you think your dog can’t be part of your wedding? Now they can, with our large dog tuxedos. These adorable pet tuxedos are available in white, black, white, and red.
• Large Dog Dresses- one of the hardest things to find for bigger dogs are dresses. But, we have found a great selection of big dog dresses for you to have your wear. You are able to decide between formal dog dress, summer dog dresses, and casual dog dresses, all made to fit big dogs!

There are also many very cute collars, leashes, and harnesses available for large dogs.

• Leather Dog Collars- there are many great leather large dog collars. You are able to choose from plain brown collars to collars with fancier colors and designs.
• Martingale Dog Collars- martingale dog collars are perfect for big dogs that have bigger necks than heads- such as greyhounds. They have a non slip feature which tightens the collar when pulled.
• Nylon Dog Collars- nylon collars for large dogs are perfect when looking for a special design. They collars come in everything from a sail boat print to an Easter print.

As you can see, you have many options for large dog clothing and large dog collars.

Largedogshoppe is the place to go for large dog collars and large dog clothing. We also have a large dog clothes.

10 Transferable Skills For Job Searching

With national unemployment moving higher each passing month, candidates encounter significant competition for jobs. No matter what career field you are (or were) working in, there is undoubtedly knowledge and skill you possess that could appeal across many industries and fields. Do not limit yourself. Identify those skills and look for them at potential future employers. Following is a list of skill areas having broad application:

1. Problem-Solving
People who can identify problems, research solutions and make effective decisions are increasingly desired in such fields as business administration, management consulting, public administration, science, medicine and engineering.

2. Technical
Technology is advanced in all industries. Installation, testing and repair of electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment in fields (such as engineering, telecommunications, and transportation) require people with advanced vocational-technical skills.

3. People Relations
Often, the success of a company depends upon how well people work together. It is the job of managers and administrators to understand people needs and how best to meet those needs within the confines of the employment environment. This can be especially good to include in executive resumes.

4. Computer Programming
It almost goes without saying that understanding how to harness a computer's power and programming it to meet the specific needs of a particular company can dramatically increase your employment options.

5. Ability to Teach and Train
Our modern society develops and collects more new data in a day than our ancestors did in a year. As a result, there will continue to be a demand for people with teaching and training skills in the fields of education, social services, management and general commerce.

6. Science and Math
Great advances are made each day in the fields of science, medicine and engineering. People skilled in the sciences and math are needed to provide support by doing computational tasks and analysis in these fields.

7. Money Management
It is essential to carefully plan and manage personal finances. Investment brokers, security officers, retirement planners, accountants and CPAs require support staff with these skills to help meet this need.

8. Information Management
Knowledge is now seen as a major contributor to our economy, and individuals who possess the ability to manage information are critical. Systems analysts, information technologists, database administrators, knowledge managers, and telecommunication engineers are examples of positions utilizing information management skills.

9. Language
Global organizations depend upon people with the ability to speak a number of languages. Russian, Japanese, Chinese, and German have long been taught by many schools. Having this skill can enhance your employment opportunities and compensation.

10. Management
Understanding how to run a company is in demand. The ability to manage people, systems, resources and finances; to understand the needs of consumers and translating those needs into business opportunities is required by organizations large and small.

Perhaps you have skills from work performed for volunteer jobs. Be creative and study job descriptions of positions to which these might apply. Writing professional resumes emphasizing such pertinent skills may give you the edge necessary to make your job hunt a success.

Gordon Walter is a professional resume maker / Resume writer with Reliable Resumes. Reliable Resumes is a Resume Service providing resume writing services for Professional Resumes and Executive Resumes. The original article is available at:

Idolatry vs Imagery: Protestantism’s 500-Year-Old Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow

I believe that when Protestantism protested and left the Roman Catholic Church, they reacted against Catholicism’s use of imagery. I believe Protestants have held an ungodly belief that “All use of images constitutes a graven image.” Their corresponding inner vow was that they would “Reject all uses of imagery in their Christian lives.” The result is that most Protestant books on systematic Christian theology do not even include a section on dream, vision, imagination, or any other application of the eyes of one’s heart. This is startling considering that the biblical stories and actions which came as a result of dreams and visions form a section of Scripture equal in size to the entire New Testament! Their ungodly belief has given them the right to ignore one-third of the Bible.

Another fruit is that Protestants do not lead in drama, theater or the arts. Protestants have great conservative political think tanks (i.e., a left-brain function), but few great Christian performing or visual arts (i.e., a right-brain function). We need to repent of this ungodly belief and inner vow for ourselves and our forefathers, and receive all that the Bible says is ours.

The Negative Judgment: All use of images constitutes a graven image.

The Inner Vow: Therefore, I will reject all uses of images in my Christian life.

The Result: Many Protestant books on systematic theology do not even include a section on dream, vision, imagination, or any other application of the use of the eyes of one’s heart. This is startling considering that the biblical stories and actions which came as a result of dreams and visions form a section of Scripture equal to the entire New Testament!

On the Positive Side

On the positive side of this question of man's capacity to think visually, I would like to make two points.

1. All of the children and two-thirds of the adults I have polled usually picture Bible scenes as they read them. As we are picturing these Bible stories and praying for a spirit of revelation (Eph. 1:17), God causes the story to come alive and speaks to us out of it. This is essentially the same process we are describing, of setting scenes in our minds and asking God to grant us revelation, then tuning to the flow of the Holy Spirit and watching the scene come alive as God speaks to us. This is something I teach in Christian University classes.

2. One-fourth of the adults I have polled normally picture the scenes of songs when they worship. As God inhabits our praises, the scenes come alive and move with a life generated from the throne of God. Both of these illustrate the very process I am describing.

Man's ability to think visually is currently being used unknowingly by many Christians, particularly those who are intuitive and visionary by nature. In reality, visual thinking is not a new thing. We are just defining and clarifying what has been happening naturally for some. As a result of this clear definition and statement, all believers can now be taught to become more sensitive to the divine flow within us.

Summary: Why Is Using the Eyes of Our Hearts Important?

1. God has commanded us to imagine His Word ("meditate" - Josh. 1:8; I Chron. 29:18).

2. Divine creativity comes through image (Ex. 25:9-22; 35:35).

3. When God reasons, He uses imagery (Is. 1:18).

4. When Jesus taught, He used imagery (Matt. 13:34).

5. As Jesus lived, He ministered out of vision (Jn. 5:19,20).

6. God has declared that one of the primary ways He communicates with us is through dream and vision (Num. 12:6; Acts 2:17).

7. God counsels us through our dreams at night (Ps. 16:7).

8. Sight is better than blindness (Jesus healed the blind - Mk. 10:46-52).

9. The Lord's Supper utilizes imagery ("This is My blood, this is My body, do this in remembrance of Me" - Jn. 6:53,54; I Cor. 11:23-25).

10. Personal transformation occurs while we look into the spiritual realm (II Cor. 3:18; 4:18).

11. Pictures are powerful and produce heart faith (Gen. 15:1,5,6).

12. The Bible is full of pictures, dreams, visions, metaphors, similes, parables, and images (Genesis through Revelation).

13. Our prayers are to be full of imagery (Ps. 23).

14. Our worship is to be full of imagery (Ps. 36:5,6).

Differences Between Idolatry and Setting an Image in One’s Mind

Authorized by:
• IDOLATRY: Man (Ex. 32:1)
• IMAGE: God (Ex. 25:9-22; Col. 1:15; Heb. 12:2)

The Goal:
• IDOLATRY: Worship the idol (Ex. 32:8)
• IMAGE: Never worship the image; use the image as stepping stone into divine flow (Rev. 4:1)

The Action:
• IDOLATRY: The idol remains dead (Is. 44:19)
• IMAGE: Divine flow is prompted (Rev. 4:2)

The Prayer:
• IDOLATRY: Pray to the idol (Is. 44:17)
• IMAGE: Never pray to the image; as divine flow is activated, communication with God is established (Rev. 4 - 22)

The Purpose:
• IDOLATRY: To worship the thing (Is. 44:15)
• IMAGE: To focus one’s heart before God (II Cor. 3:18; 4:18)

The Attitude of the Heart:
• IDOLATRY: Stiff-necked; proud (Ex. 32:9)
• IMAGE: Seeking God humbly (Prov. 2:1-5)

The Control Issue:
• IDOLATRY: Manipulating God; magic
(I Kings 22:20-23)
• IMAGE: Watching God in action; Christianity (Rev. 4 - 22)

Mark Virkler is with Christian Leadership University. CLU is a Christian University and Online Bible College offering Christian education including Christian counseling and Christian theology seminaries and offers certificates, undergrad, Masters, and Doctorates in the various Christian colleges of CLU.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Be Ready-Some Jobs Must Be Won At the Handshake

You have probably heard that many hiring managers claim they can tell in an interview if the candidate is right for his/her organization at “the handshake.” Alas, I suspect it is true. I worked for a busy corporate vice president once who was very proud of the fact he could tell immediately if someone was “the one” we were looking for. If true, it is a shame, because I sense there is much more to a person than can be observed in the first five seconds with them. That said, we must accept for the moment that some number of managers make hiring decisions all too quickly, and now is the time to plot a strategy for beating them at their game.

Great, professional resumes are important and can get you in the door, but making a good first impression at your interview is important as well. As the job candidate, you must seek to control everything within your power and not worry about the rest. Following are some suggested behaviors everyone can control:

I hate it when people tell me to relax when there is good reason not to. But to the extent possible, do not present a sweaty, shaky palm in your all-important first greeting. Get to the interview a little early to provide insurance against any problems getting there. Practice the trick of many public speakers by taking a series of long, deep breaths before starting the interview. This will give you opportunity to appear relaxed and confident.

Dress is still important
It is hard to believe that many hiring managers now in their 50’s and 60’s were once “flower children” in the hippie generation and sported long hair and rags for clothes. Why then do some of these same people care what you wear to an interview? It is because hiring managers are looking for someone who can represent the employer well. If they were inviting you to “hang-out” it would be one thing, but business is different. Whether working as a trash hauler or computer programmer, a good rule of thumb is to dress for the interview better than expected. A suit for most “white collar” jobs, and business casual dress is the order of the day for all other (even truly casual), positions.

Details count
For those managers who insist on a good handshake, give them one. Look the interviewer squarely in the eye, grasp their hand firmly, smile, and shake. It should not hurt (either of you), and is a universal way of greeting. Remember all the times your mother said to “straighten up?” Now is the time. Maintaining eye contact and practicing good posture says you are confident and self-assured. Body language telegraphs a lot about someone’s personality and job interest. Looking down frequently, crossing arms/legs, tapping the table, jumping your leg, etc., can send all the wrong messages.

Being in control of those little things only you can control will cause a better feeling about how you did in the interview, and help an employer to decide you are “the one” they are looking for.

Gordon Walter is a professional resume maker / Resume writer with Reliable Resumes. Reliable Resumes is a Resume Service providing resume writing services for Professional Resumes and Executive Resumes. The original article is available at:

I Need Counseling!

All of us need counsel from time to time. My wife and I have gone for counseling several times over the years and found it helpful. However, by far the best counseling in our lives has come as we have journaled, heard God’s voice, and been able to receive divine counsel for any problem we were facing.

Counseled by Your Creator
So now when people ask me for counsel, be they students at the Christian University and Online Bible College where I teach or members of the Christian community, I tell them that step one is to go through Dialogue with God or How to Hear God's Voice, perhaps with CD’s or DVD’s. This gives them 10 hours of step-by-step coaching so they can clearly hear God’s voice in their hearts and begin doing two-way journaling, where they write down what God is saying to them, and their responses back.

I ask them to email me two or three journal entries as they get started, so I can encourage them that they are on the right path, and truly hearing God’s voice. I recommend that they journal about the problem they are facing and see what God has to say about it. Following is a journal entry from the Wonderful Counselor!

“Dear Jesus, what are You telling me today?

“Today is a beautiful day and you are in the center of My will. It only feels bad because of what you are holding on to. Breathe deep. Relax. Put your feet up. I am in charge. I still am head of the universe. And I am the laughing Jesus, or else there would be no laughter on earth. You, My daughter, are very, very, serious. It all works out in the end. Turn your worry into warfare. Turn anxiety into answers. Turn your problems into prayers. Seek Me. I am here waiting. Sit at My feet. I will come. Give up on yourself and your circumstances. I AM is My name. The great I AM….”

Della Striker, Wellington, FL

Healed by Your Creator
The second thing I have discovered that has been equally powerful in healing the wounds in my heart is knowing how to apply certain prayers. These include breaking generational sins and ungodly soul ties, removing negative beliefs and inner vows, receiving inner healing and deliverance, and learning to walk in the power of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

I have personally experienced great healing through applying these prayer approaches, and I have prepared a book called Prayers That Heal the Heart which leads the reader step-by-step through these prayers so he too can experience awesome freedom in Christ. Rudi Swanepoel of Elyria, Ohio writes:

“Being whole in a broken world is not easy. It has been said that those who were broken once and then made whole are more whole than those who never have been broken before. Personally, I have yet to meet a person who has never been hurt or broken before. Yet, the Lord never intended for us to live through life broken, despondent, defeated and hurt. His gift to humanity includes complete and utter wholeness in life, physically, mentally and spiritually.

“Prayers That Heal the Heart will take you on a journey—a rescue mission of sorts—to detect, isolate, treat and heal every area of brokenness in your life. It is not a surface-scratching Bible study, but rather a soul-penetrating, healing experience.

“The normal reaction of hurting people is to avoid the areas of hurt in order to give relief. Prayers That Heal the Heart takes the opposite action. It probes and introduces healing to the hurts. The time you’ll spend in these prayers will reinforce your life and give meaning to the meaningless hurtful happenings in your past. I recommend Prayers That Heal the Heart to every person in search of true happiness, freedom and wholeness.”

Debbra Bronstad of Paso Robles, California writes:

“I am reading Prayers That Heal the Heart right now and breaking bondages for myself and with others. It really puts together a lot of things I was using hit or miss as a counselor.”

So I encourage those seeking counsel to purchase the book Prayers That Heal the Heart and perhaps CD’s or DVD’s, and let me take six hours demonstrating how these prayers are ministered to bring healing to a wounded heart.

After these steps are completed, a counselor can provide any additional counseling that may be required. However I find that most every need has already been met by the time they actually get through these training experiences, and we just have a bit of “mop up” ministry left.

There are many benefits to the above ministry approach. First, the counselees receive 16 hours of counseling for a fraction of the price it would cost if they were paying the normal $50 – $100 an hour to a counselor. More importantly they internalize the skills they need so they can receive divine counsel and healing on a moment-by-moment basis. They also learn how to minister God’s healing grace powerfully to others. They prove they are serious about getting healed by investing time to resolve their problem before coming to a counselor. This allows for a more expeditious use of the counselor’s time.

Mark Virkler is with Christian Leadership University. CLU is a Christian University and Online Bible College offering Christian education including Christian counseling and Christian theology seminaries and offers certificates, undergrad, Masters, and Doctorates in the various Christian colleges of CLU.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Make Your Own Indoor Garden

Missing a Garden in the Home?

While a nice house with a picket fence looks nice, not everyone can get that. Many people live in apartments and condominiums that provide little to no space for having a garden. Unlike in suburban areas where gardens are present in almost any home, there are actually a lot of places that prevents people of having a garden. This is why there are many alternative to having plants inside the house. If you miss having a garden to come home to, then read along and see how you can manage your own personal indoor garden.

Making the Size Count

The size of an actual garden is too cramped for the indoors, which is why you should set aside your visual interpretations of the old gardens you are used to. Indoor gardens rely on innovate potting solutions when it comes to providing plants with that they need to start working better. From crystal soils to sponges there are many different technologies that are applicable in providing you with various methods to grow and water your plants. In order to determine the most effective method, consult with your local botanical expert. They will give you the best ways to take care of your plants inside the hose.

Allocate a sufficient amount of space for the garden in your home. You could integrate the garden into other rooms such as the study or in the kitchen hall. What ever decision you choose, make sure that the garden plants get a sufficient amount of water. The good thing about indoor plants is that they do not remain rooted to where they are. However, take care not to knockdown fragile pots since they can be hard to replace. Study their different watering needs as some plants cannot be watered too much but at the same time, need more than one watering per day. It would be in the plant’s best interests if you study each kind.

Bring the Sun Indoors

Water is not the only resource you need for your indoor garden, you also need sunlight. And sunlight does not naturally enter the indoors, you should situate the plants in such a way that they are reached by direct sunlight. If you have a penthouse sunroof, simply placing your plants underneath it may be more than enough. However, this is not a commonly applicable solution. Usually, a large window or even a large glass door helps bring lots of sunlight in. The important thing is to let the plants have direct sunlight. When all else fails, you can bring plants out to your patio or over the window railing in order for them to get the right amount of sunlight. Do not leave the plants outside as indoor plants usually are not able to handle heavy rains or prolonged exposure to the sun.

So whether you have a nice flat fifteen floors up or a quiet rented apartment in a four story walk up, you do not have to feel like you have been deprived of the pleasure of having your own garden. Whether you put them in individual pots or let them hang from the ceiling, you can enjoy living in the presence of plants that help keep the air clean and your home beautiful. GP

For the best gardening products such as Garden Fertiliser check out Angus Horticulture. For a cheap alternative to paving why not consider Dekorbeton’s decorative concrete

The Many Functions of a Garden

A Garden on its Own

If you grew up in a house with a garden, then you would appreciate the peace and solace that a garden can give; the fun and enjoyment that a garden plays hosts to in events and parties, there are many, many ways to use a garden. You just have to learn to sit back and appreciate what you have in order to see how much of a difference having a garden could give. By itself, a garden is where you can rest, relax and appreciate nature for itself; take a fresh breath of air, and by taking care of it, give back some of that nurturing that nature bestows upon us.

The Garden and You

You do no need some elaborate plan or expensive equipment just so you can appreciate your garden. Just pull out a nice comfortable chair unto your garden, grab a book and experience the feel of reading in such a beautiful atmosphere. You do not even need a book, you can just go there and rest, the fresh clean air is always good for the lungs and is very relaxing too. If you have a large enough space, you can do some of your hobbies in the garden too. If you have pets, then a clean garden is a good place to play with them. You can even train them tricks in a peaceful garden since they will not be distracted.

If you like to draw or write, being in the presence of nature could be quite the inspiring feeling. You will not even need special lighting since sunlight is bright and easy on the eyes. Roll out a blanket and whip out some snacks to give yourself a private picnic. One way or the other, you can turn your garden to your personal vacation spot. This is how you can truly appreciate the garden on your own.

Bringing More to Your Garden

Taking your friends and your family to a garden is quite a refreshing experience. You all get to enjoy nature and its beauty together. You can hold a grill or a small party in the outdoor settings. The open air is perfect for grills and barbecues since the smoke will not stay in the confines of the house. Just lay out a few tables and chairs and you are ready to go. The added bonus of having a party in the garden is that cleanup is not as complicated and there are less chances of your things in the house getting ruined.

Gardens can host many events; you can go star gazing on clear nights just by preparing a telescope. Weddings are very romantic when held at a garden setting, and the green and white plays beautiful effects on the eyes. You can also have get-togethers, soirees, and other social functions in the garden. Just make sure that you prepare your garden with the right materials and proper maintenance to help it enhance the party instead of being a negative factor. This is why you should take care of your garden, because it can do so much for you. GP

For the best gardening products such as organic fertiliser check out Angus Horticulture. For a cheap alternative to paving why not consider Dekorbeton’s Imprinted Concrete

The Basics of Gardening Tools

Making the Perfect Lawn with Simple Tools

If you have ever mowed and swept a lawn clean, then you would certainly appreciate the value of spending hard work in a garden. While the task may take a lot of effort, the rewards are worth it. Getting a good clean garden for your home opens up an excellent location for many fun activities; it would be no fun having a barbecue grill party when there are weeds all over the lawn. Fortunately, keeping the lawn clean and healthy is a very simple task that is achieved with very simple tools. From garden shears to lawn mowers, there are a variety of many useful items you should employ in your garden.

The Importance of a Lawn Mower

There are a large variety of lawn movers, from the manual, to the electronic. From those with machines that require revving up to those that require a little elbow grease. These lawn mowers take care of all the stray weeds and overgrown patches of grass that often pop up in the garden. While effectiveness is important the choice of the type of lawn mower to be used depends greatly on the personal preference of the mower. There are three basic kinds of lawn mowers, the manual mechanical mowers, the ones that are supported by an engine and ones that you can ride on.

The easiest to use, are the ones that are aided by an engine. These may either use fuel or run on batteries, but all the same, they make the pushing easier since the cutting blades are spun automatically. These may a take a while to get used to but all in all, these are the most versatile and can be used on almost any lawn. Some are also equipped with small side blades that enable you to finish more in less time.

There are lawnmowers that you can sit on and drive, but these are large and bulky and not suited for smaller gardens. Finally, the mechanical ones require you to exert all the effort since no engine will make the task easier for you. While a little rough and slow to use, these are perfect when you want an exercise along with your garden work.

Clipping Shrubs and Hedges with the Right Tools

Aside from lawn mowers, another major gardening tool is the cutting tool. There are different kinds of cutting tools and they each have their own specialty. The basic garden shears are large scissors that are perfect for polishing the lawn, cutting large branches and trimming large areas of hedges. They may be huge, but they are easy to use. Just make sure you take extra care when handling them. Another cutting tool is the clipper. These are small hand-sized cutting tools that enable you to make precise cuts to your plants. Most often used in bonsais and other miniature plants, all you need is a steady set of hands and a good view of the big picture in order to achieve your desired look. Follow these simple tips to get that garden you that have always wanted. GP

For the best gardening products such as Lawn Fertiliser check out Angus Horticulture. For a cheap alternative to paving why not consider Dekorbeton’s decorative concrete flooring

Watering with the Right Gardening Tools

Why Choosing Helps

Like any job, the most efficient way to take care of a garden is with the right set of tools. This is why if you are planning on having a garden, you should first prepare yourself with the knowledge of what tools you need. If you already have a garden but it is not flourishing in the way you want it to, then you should re-evaluate the tools you use and how efficiently they can help you with your gardening tasks. The right tools for gardening will help you in many wonderful ways, but the wrong set of tools could spell the end for your garden.

The Basic Gardening Needs

The most often used garden tool in the house is the watering tools. Be it a garden hose, sprinklers or even a humble watering can, you rely on these tools to ensure that your plants receive the nutrient they require that is not easily found in the soil in our houses; water.

Water is the source of life for all living things, the same goes for our plants. This is why a garden should be well watered to ensure that the plants do not literally dry up; especially during August and other summer months. Also a lot of water will keep the colors of the leaves and petals vibrant, giving your garden that wonderful soothing atmosphere.

Determining the type of watering tool to use is very dependent on your garden and the plants you grow within. Sprinklers can take care of large patches of grass such as your lawn and backyard. They can also be relied on for small bushes as well. Their biggest advantage is that sprinklers can be automatically activated by electronic switches. This means that watering becomes an automatic event that you do not have to mind. However, sprinklers cannot control how much water each plant gets and it is not a good idea for use with plants that require specific or controlled amounts.

A Closer Look at Other Watering Options

A garden hose is extremely versatile. You can bring it to whatever part of your garden and manually control how much water each plant gives. You are only limited by the length of the hose itself, and you do have to manually water your garden. Lastly, it is not recommended to use a garden hose indoors so your indoor plants have to be watered differently. Watering cans are among the hardest to use since they require a lot of energy to use and can only hold limited amounts of water, which would require you to make refills. But since they can be brought indoors, they are perfect for very delicate plants.

Finally, you should also ensure that you give your plants a constant supply of clean water. While plants can easily process liquids in various forms, clean water is important. This is why learning what kinds of watering tools you need is a crucial factor in taking care of your garden. Combining the right kinds of watering tools for your home garden is the best way to efficiently keep your plants and garden running smoothly. GP

For the best gardening products such as Garden Fertiliser check out Angus Horticulture. For a cheap alternative to paving why not consider Dekorbeton’s decorative concrete

Learning to Take Care of Your Garden

Green Thumbs are Not Necessary

Seeds will grow if planted and taken care of. All you need is a little water, lots of sun and a decent soil. This is the simple fact about gardening and life itself. There are no sure fire ways to ensure that you will have a garden worthy of a blue ribbon award, but there are definite ways to ensure that your plants will grow nicely. Plants will not care if you have prior experience in gardening or not, all they need are the basic necessities to live and they will do the rest. What most people fail to realize about gardening is that plants wish to grow for their own selves, not for the benefit of the garden owners. Owning a garden is taking on the responsibility of ensuring that your plants are growing well, it is not for the aesthetic approval of your neighbors. If your plants grow beautifully and your house looks nicer, that is a fringe benefit.

Appreciating Your Plants

One thing garden owners should realize is that plants are living things. Humans, animals and plants all possess life and that life should be nurtured and cherished. Owning a garden is a testament to human being’s capability to take care of all other living things on this planet. This is why owning a garden is not just a hobby; it is a way of life. While we may not mourn the passing of a shrub or can easily ignore the death of a tree, it is an undeniable fact that every plant in our garden is a living thing and we should take care of it.

Taking on this responsibility, while important is an actually quite simple. Plants, as living things, have the will and capacity to live; as long as they receive the right amount of resources needed, they will flourish on their own without the need for special care and attention. But when it is not given, plants will naturally wither and die. This is the conundrum for all gardens.

Understanding the Benefits of Having a Garden

What will give you the best drive and motivation to properly take care of your garden is by identifying the many benefits that a garden gives to a home. A lawn alone gives you space to breathe and appreciate your house more. The effect that a lawn gives to a household are plenty and quite beneficial. Health wise, having a garden will give you a supply of fresh clean air when you leave the house in the morning and when you arrive at home at night. Clean air is very important when it comes to relieving stress and many respiratory problems. Also, if you have a garden at the back of your home where you might hang laundry, the clean air will keep your clothes and other fabrics smelling fresh and clean.

Gardens give you a place to relax, have fun and play, either on your own or with your family. The garden can be your own personal place of restful solitude, away from the hustle and bustle of the busy city life. GP

For the best gardening products such as organic fertiliser check out Angus Horticulture. For a cheap alternative to paving why not consider Dekorbeton’s Imprinted Concrete

Is Your Church Social - Part 9 - Facebook – Blogging through Facebook

Facebook is a great way to connect to your church members and have your church members connect to each other. Facebook can also be a great way to distribute church information, devotions, and articles. That’s because Facebook has applications which allow you to syndicate your church blog through either a Facebook Page or a Facebook Profile. If your church doesn’t have a blog, I highly recommend your start one. It’s a great way to communicate with your church members. Even if you don’t have a church blog, you can still use this feature to syndicate other articles.

Let your face(book) do the talking:
So, you have a church blog on your church website. Hopefully, some of your members check the church site regularly to catch the latest blog articles. Some of the more web savvy members may even have an RSS reader so they automatically get the new blog articles sent to their RSS reader whenever a new article is posted. For the members who have an RSS reader and have signed up to receive the church blog, syndicating your blog article on your church’s Facebook Page or your pastor’s Facebook Profile, won’t change things much. They probably would have seen the articles anyway, but chances are that most of the members of your congregation don’t even know what RSS means. Many of you reading this article may not know what RSS is.

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” and it’s basically just a way to allow people to sign up to receive your blog posts (or other kinds of posts) automatically through an RSS reader. An RSS reader is a program either installed on a computer or found online that receives all the articles (or other media) that a person signs up to receive. It’s basically a way to just check one place to get all your articles instead of going to every website individually. For more information about RSS, please check out the article from the Christian Web Trends blog, “What is RSS” or their slightly more offensive article, “Not Using an RSS Reader? You Ignorant Time-Waster!”.

Why Syndicate in Facebook?
By syndicating your blog article through Facebook, you can make more of your congregation aware of the blog articles your are posting by having the articles mentioned in their Facebook Profile news feed. That way your members don’t have to remember to visit the church site to see the new articles, they are notified in their Facebook Profile and can just click the link to read the article. Also, but having the blog article titles showing up in your member’s news feeds, any of their friends who visit their profile will see the articles as well. So, people who are not even members of the church may see the articles and maybe even read the articles or visit the church.

Facebook has made it pretty simple to syndicate your blog articles through Facebook:

• Go to
• Click the link in the top, right of the page to add the RSS Connect app to either your church’s Facebook Page or your personal Profile. I recommend adding the application to both.
• Follow the instructions for installation.
• Once installed, adding an RSS feed to the RSS Connect app is as easy as entering a title, pasting the URL of the feed, and setting how often the feed should be checked. The app will do the rest.
• If you install the RSS Connect app in your Facebook Profile, add the blog feed to your profile tabs by clicking the “plus” icon tab near the top of your profile page (up where the “Wall” and “Info” tabs are) and add the My Blog/RSS app to the tabs.

If you have installed RSS Connect in your church’s Facebook Page, the blog articles should appear in a box on the page. If you have added RSS Connect to your personal profile and have added it to your profile tabs, the articles can be viewed by clicking the “My Blog/RSS” tab. The articles will automatically be updated on your Facebook Page or Profile whenever a new article is posted.

The Real Power of Facebook Syndication:
Having the blog syndicated on your church’s Facebook Page or your Facebook Profile is good, but the real benefit of doing this through Facebook requires one more step. When viewing the blog articles in Facebook you should see an option to “Share” the article. For any article, click the “Share” option and post a comment to your profile. This will add a comment to your profile’s news feed which will cause the comment to be displayed on all your “friends” profiles. You’ve now just put the blog article in front of every person who has signed on as a friend. That’s good church marketing. It should be noted that this is done through your personal profile. So, if you have created a profile for a member of the church (possibly the pastor) which is serving as a sort of church profile, then you would want to use the “share” option for that profile. Also, remember that any other profile can do this as well, so all your members could use the “share” option and that would put the article in front of all their friends.

So, go ahead and give it a try. Syndicating blog articles can be a great way to distribute church news, Pastor blogs, sermon blogs, devotions, and other info. While RSS Connect can be used to syndicate can be used for your own blog(s), it can any other rss feeds as well. Perhaps your denomination headquarters produces a daily blog or devotion that is available with rss or maybe there is a Christian publication with a regular feed or a Christian blog.

Kurt Steinbrueck is the author of the Church Marketing Online blog. He has been providing Christian search engine optimization services for church marketing solutions. Find the original article at

Should You Judge a Song by its Cover?

It perplexes teenagers when their parents know all the words to the latest songs. Of course, anyone over a certain age will realize that a high percentage of ‘new’ music, isn’t new at all. It’s just new to the younger ear.

Some Like It, Some Don’t
Cover version of songs have long been the subject of controversy. Some people hold the original editions in such high esteem it almost resembles worship. Such devotees, who can’t bear to hear a reworking of a song, can get overzealous about what they see as their sacrosanct favorites. There was many a Led Zep fan who found Rolf Harris’s didgeridoo-assisted adaptation of Stairway to Heaven painful to hear, while others expressed a liking for it. To each his own, eh! Ours is not to wonder why.

More recently we’ve seen original artists perform ‘their’ songs as covers with new singers or bands. One of the latest examples of this is Elton John’s collaboration with rappers DJ Ironik and Chipmunk. Their rendition of Elton’s original song Tiny Dancer (lyrics by Bernie Taupin) is well received by a great many young people who have no idea that it first appeared on Elton’s album Madman Across the Water in 1971.

Unique Covers
When a song is entirely taken over by a new performer without the input, as in the above case, of the original artist, it can take on a fresh identity. Joni Mitchell’s A Case of You has been interpreted with a beauty that’s almost agonizing by Canadian pianist and jazz singer Diana Krall. She said, “The greatest thing about music is putting it out there for people to figure out. You want the listener to find the song on their own. If you give too much away, it takes away from the imagination.” Krall is married to singer/songwriter Elvis Costello, himself no stranger to performing other’s songs, despite being notoriously skilled at creating his own material. His performance of Roy Orbison’s Love Hurts with Emmy Lou Harris is just one of a plethora of renditions that that particular song has been subject to.

Artists who have covered Love Hurts include:

• Joan Jett
• Heart
• Nazareth
• Cher

A Good Thing?
Those who are adamant that the old way is the best way might change their way of thinking by looking at cover version as tributes. Surely no new artist would contemplate an old song unless they felt a deep connection with it and an admiration for it. There is something refreshing about remixes and re-workings of original material. Maybe adding orchestral instruments or other musical instruments. Often a new take births new interest in the original performers too.

Music has an evolutionary quality about it, like language, it is as ever-changing as human trends and as a result will always chime in with them.

Francis Beaudry is currently the conductor of two orchestras. He is a writer and arranger and has published musical works for choir and orchestra. In addition he is the president of music equipment stores offering musical instrument accessories, music accessories, and more. The article at:

The Song Remains the Same

Music has the power to both move us to tears and to elate us. It, perhaps more than any other form of sensual stimulus, has ability to trigger the whole gamut of human emotions. And very often when we least expect it.

A song you haven’t heard for years comes on the radio and you’re transported back to the first time you heard it, or maybe the last time you did. And the strange thing about that song and any other pieces of music that impact deeply on you is the fact that the meaning is yours and exclusively yours.

Public Yet Personal
Whether pop music or music played by orchestral instruments, music is an art form that is vastly accessible and publicly available. It belongs to everyone and yet it holds many secrets for a great many of us. It is heard by us all collectively, but processed by our hearts and minds in very personal ways. There is an especial intimacy that takes place between song and listener, or rather artist and listener.

Gift – Receiver
The intensity of the ‘gift-receiver’ relationship that we have with music is such that the opening bars of a piece can plunge us immediately into nostalgic mood when the furthest thing from our minds was the indulgence of reminiscence. And it isn’t always the case that happy songs cheer us up. Sometimes, when we experience sadness in our lives, the more upbeat ‘enjoy yourself sing-along’ is the last thing that would help ease our pain. We seek and find music that reflects our state of mind and our personalities, thereby creating a soundtrack to our lives.

Deeply Personal
Some of us vehemently defend the musical choices we make; feeling affronted if an associate declares their abhorrence of Country and Western or Prog Rock if we ourselves are devotees of either genre. We protect the artists we love, fight their cause, and even, when we are absolutely convinced of our favorites’ brilliance, do our avid best to convert others to our way of thinking.

Our feelings towards our favored performers are often so strong that we develop almost lifelong loyalties to them. Many a girl who claimed she would love a boy band forever has since grown into womanhood who still declares the same passion for those boys who are now men.

A Reflection Of Ourselves
What, it seems, we find in music, are aspects of ourselves that we might otherwise find hard to express. We hear a song, listen to the words and think, “Yes, that’s exactly how I feel.” No matter that the song itself might be describing something entirely different from our own situation. It means what it means to us, and certainly will mean something very different to the next person. It’s the same song, but that’s the mercurial power of music. It seems apt at this juncture to cite the title of the Led Zeppelin album The Song Remains the Same. And so it does, it’s simply the meaning to each of us that is unique.

Francis Beaudry is currently the conductor of two orchestras. He is a writer and arranger and has published musical works for choir and orchestra. In addition he is the president of music equipment stores offering musical instrument accessories, music accessories, and more. Find this article at:

How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

An example of revelation knowledge is when you are reading the Bible and a verse leaps off the page, hits you between the eyes, and God says, “This is for you right now.” These are precious experiences for the believer. However, for many, they do not happen often enough.

There are seven things I do which allow me the privilege of receiving revelation knowledge every time I read the Bible. Truth and insights leap off the page and an understanding of how they are to adjust my life permeates my spirit and soul. I love this experience and hunger for it every time I read the Scriptures. That is why I prepare myself by doing the following seven things. I also teach these seven things at a Christian University to the students in the theological seminary. Prayerfully reflect on these steps and determine which ones you do and don’t use.

Biblical Meditation
Resulting in illumination, revelation knowledge, anointed reasoning
Do Not Do This:
Study/Rational Humanism
1. Have unconfessed sin
2. Have a pre-conceived attitude
3. Be independent: “I can...”
4. Read quickly
5. Rely on reason & analysis only
6. Read without specific purpose
7. Take credit for insights

But Do This:
Meditation/Divine Revelation
1. Be washed by Jesus’ blood
2. Have a teachable attitude
3. Pray: “Lord, show me”
4. Slow down, ponder, muse
5. Combine anointed reason, flowing pictures, music & speech
6. Read with focused purpose
7. Glorify God for insights

The Seven Steps of Biblical Meditation Explained:
1. Lord, cleanse me by Your blood: Since receiving divine revelation is at the heart of biblical meditation, you must prepare yourself to receive from the Holy Spirit by repenting and being cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. You must be obedient to previous revelations from God (Matt. 7:6), and confess any sin in your life, so you are not cut off from ongoing revelation (Is. 59:1,2; I Jn. 1:9).

2. Lord, grant me a teachable attitude: Revelation is given to those who maintain an attitude of humility, and it is withheld from the proud and the arrogant. So keep an open, humble attitude before God, allowing Him the freedom to shed greater light on any ideas you currently hold and to alter them as He sees fit (Jas. 4:6; II Pet. 1:19).

3. Lord, I will not use my faculties myself: You can do nothing of your own initiative but only what you hear and see by the Spirit (Jn. 5:19,20,30). You do not have a mind to use, but a mind to present to God so He can use it and fill it with anointed reason and divine vision (Prov. 3:5-7; Rom. 12:1,2). If you use your mind yourself, it is a dead work (Heb. 6:1,2).

4. Lord, I pray that the eyes of my heart might be enlightened: Slow down as you read, mulling the text over and over in your heart and mind, praying constantly for God to give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Eph. 1:17,18; Ps. 119:18).

5. Lord, I present the abilities to reason and to imagine to You to fill and flow through by Your Spirit: Meditation involves presenting your faculties to God for Him to fill and use. These include your left-brain reasoning capacities as well as your right-brain visual capacities. Look for the river of God (i.e. “Spirit flow”) to guide and fill both hemispheres, granting you anointed reasoning and dream and vision (Jn. 7:37-39). Music can assist you, as can muttering, speaking, and writing as you go through the discovery process (II Kings 3:15).

6. Lord, show me the solution to the problem I am facing: Focused attention brings additional energies of concentration of heart and mind, which help release revelation. For example, note the difference between a ray of sunlight hitting a piece of paper, and sunlight going through a magnifying glass to hit a piece of paper. The focused energy creates a ray so concentrated that the paper bursts into flames. When you have a hunger to master a new understanding and discipline, that hungry and searching heart will cause you to see things you would not normally see (Matt. 5:6).

7. Thank You, Lord, for what You have shown me: Realizing that the revelation came from the indwelling Holy Spirit, give all the glory to God for what has been revealed (Eph. 3:21).

Another Great Aid to “Seeing”: Writing Out Scripture
When you write or type out a verse, you discover words which you otherwise might have missed. Therefore, I write out verses which I know are key truths for my life. I pray over them, diagram them, analyze them, and meditate on them. That is why I have written many of my books. I write so I can learn, so I can put truths I am understanding in my own words and in a framework which is meaningful for me.

The following is the law which God gave for new kings who had just been crowned and were coming to sit upon their throne for the first time:

“Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests” (Deut. 17:18).

Since we are kings and priests, are we to do any less (I Pet 2:9)? Let us make the writing out of Scriptures an important part of our lives.

Mark Virkler is with Christian Leadership University. CLU is a Christian University and Online Bible College offering Christian education including Christian counseling and Christian theology seminaries and offers certificates, undergrad, Masters, and Doctorates in the various Christian colleges of CLU.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Importance of High Quality Product Photography

As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Never has this more true than in product photography. A single picture of a product provides a wealth of information instantly – information that cannot be conveyed in writing. Good quality images of each and every product are crucial to achieving sales and ensuring customer satisfaction. In addition, superior images create an atmosphere of professionalism and enhance credibility, inspiring consumer confidence. Especially when personal contact is not possible and the image alone is selling the product, top quality product photography is essential.

Providing quality photographs of available products also communicates a deep respect for the potential customer and their time. Allowing a consumer to see at a glance whether the item in question might fit their needs gives them the opportunity to decide whether to seek more in-depth information to aid in a purchasing decision. Clear, detailed images are a necessary component of any product description.

Product photography is an art. First-class images, especially of three-dimensional items, are not easily achieved. For the level of quality needed for commercial product photography, a studio setting is beneficial and a professional photographer is essential. Of critical importance are lighting, background, clarity, composition and context.

Product photographers use a wide range of professional equipment to attain the desired result. Specialty cameras and lenses, a light box, light diffusers and a variety of backgrounds and props are just a few of the items required to ensure top quality product photographs. In addition, the professional product photographer’s skill and experience are invaluable.

A product photographer will prepare each item so that it will be shown to optimal advantage. From grooming each piece (cleaning or removing lint that only the camera can see, for instance) to selecting the proper arrangement, positioning, lighting and background, each item to be photographed requires meticulous attention to detail. Photographing groups of items requires special attention to composition and context, as well. After the photos are taken, post-production editing with specialized software will further enhance the images and may be used to add special effects, if desired. Creating an illusion of the item floating in thin air, separating an item from the background so that it can be superimposed into another photo, or modifying various aspects of the photograph individually, are just a few common editing examples.

Once finished, the images may be transferred electronically in a variety of file formats or delivered as hard-copy photographs, depending on the client’s needs. Whether for use on the internet or in print, quality product photography is the key to business success.

Sarah James is currently helping JDL Digital with new content for their web site on product photographer. JDL are based in Dublin and are available for all photography work. When Sarah is not writing she can be found walking in the hills of Ireland, her favorite pastime.

All You Need To Know About Plastic Moulding

We cannot imagine a world without plastics. Plastics have found their importance in almost all application ranging from household items to complicated research equipments. Though there were controversies that the plastics pose a threat to the environment, the advancements in plastic manufacturing technologies have given birth to the eco-friendly plastics. Plastic manufacturers can now recycle and create new plastic products out of the used plastics. You will be well aware of the fact that injection moulding is widely used to manufacture the plastic products. Today’s plastic moulding is very much advanced and very different from what was originally invented. Just keep on reading the article to know all about the plastic moulding techniques.

A Little History

Plastic moulding is not a new concept developed in the 21st century. Moulding plastics into useful products exits since the origin of manmade plastic in the year 1851. The process of heating plastics and melting the molten material to obtain the shape of the mould is the basic concept behind plastic moulding. Though the concept of plastic moulding remains the same today, this technology has seen many advancements. Plastic moulding received huge importance during the period of Second World War due to the demand for the plastic medical equipments. Infact the plastic manufacturers where struggling to meet the demand for the plastic products during this period. This is period when the plastic moulding industry got a new shift towards development.

Current Plastic Moulding Techniques

Though the main concept of plastic moulding remains the same, the equipments used by the plastic manufacturers have changed a lot. With the integration of latest computer technologies the production rate of plastic moulding is greatly increased today. Unlike the olden days only when only fresh plastic materials were moulded to useful products, today with environmental awareness on the rise, plastic moulding concentrates on using recycled materials. Moreover, the advancements in plastic moulding technology has made it possible to manufacture products in any complicated shapes.

The Applications Of Modern Plastic Moulding

The applications of plastic injection moulding are virtually unlimited. Starting from simple plastic carry bags to complicated lifesaving devices – every plastic product manufactured today are through plastic injection moulding. Some of the common applications of plastic moulding are the manufacturing of products such as packaging bags, automobile parts, beverage cans and bottles, computer accessories etc.

The Future Of Plastic Moulding

You will be well aware of the fact that the use of plastics is banned in certain areas of all countries. People think that this may end the plastic manufacturing as environmental pollution is a major concern today. However, with the introduction of the recyclable plastics, the plastic industry has got a rebirth. Afterall, as already said, we cannot imagine a world without plastics.

R.E Davison is known in industy by two leading brands: RED Composites and Gloda Manufacturing and offer services in 2 major areas including plastic moulding. RED Composites for Thermoset plastic and plastic injection moulding for metal pressing and deep drawing for both the Australian and export market.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Decorating Your Home With Flowers

Your home is your most private, personal space. You spend a lot if not most of your time there eating, sleeping and working, thus stamping an ordinary house with your moods and personality, making it more special and unique. Naturally, you want your home to look at its best. You want it to have a relaxing, inspiring atmosphere that you can't find anywhere else.

Such an atmosphere can be achieved by placing flowers in your home. A pretty bunch of flowers can brighten up any room with a spot of color. Just looking at them can make any person lose the stress acquired during the day! There's something about flowers that cheers people up, so why not take advantage of it by following these helpful tips on decorating your home with flowers?

1. Vases are not the only things that you can use for holding your flowers! Experiment with clay pots, china porcelain, crystal, steel, or glass bowls, cups, champagne glasses, teapots, water pitchers---the list is endless. Just make sure that the container is clean and polished to complement the beauty of the flowers you will be placing in them.

2. For wide, open spaces, use blooms that are big with loud colors such as hydrangeas, gladiolus, and lilies. Big flowers can easily catch attention in a large room. You don't want the flowers to go unnoticed right?

3. Match the room's décor with complementary or contrasting colors. If you want to introduce a soothing effect in a room, use flowers in colors such as blues and greens. For a warmer look, oranges and reds will do the trick. For a subtle arrangement, yellows and peaches are the best choice of colors.

4. How do you know which flowers go well with each other? There are no hard and fast rules, but you may want to choose just one type of flower for your bouquet (this is called a monobotanic arrangement) or one color with varying shades (called a monochromatic arrangement).

In decorating you home, be creative. You may be very busy to go out to buy flowers on the streets or in the malls, so you can opt to just have your flowers delivered. It's easy---there are several flower shops online. One such service is Island Rose of the Philippines. They use an innovative delivery system that guarantees you to have the best roses fresh from the farm. Their flower delivery is fast, efficient, and stress-free. Flowers from Island Rose are also considered some of the best in the world. Why not start decorating your home with flowers now? It doesn't have to be stressful when you can buy flowers with just one click of a mouse.

This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Philippines Flower Delivery. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can Send Flowers to Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.

The Pink Calima Rose

Admiration, n. Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.
-Ambrose Bierce

Ambrose Bierce, a 19th century American satirist, was right when he declared that a person's admiration for someone reflects how very much alike they are. Admiring someone means that we want to achieve the same things that the person has achieved in his or her life. It is holding someone in respect and high regard because of certain qualities that we see, or would like to see in us.

However, admiration is an emotion that is hard to verbalize. It can easily be misunderstood for love or desire, two things which can sometimes ruin a purely friendly relationship. It might be because admiration is indeed very close to these two emotions, but it seems that many people find it hard to tell one from the other, If and when f they can, they don't know how to say it.

We want to express our admiration for someone because we might want the person to do better in his or her job. Like they say, a little compliment goes a long way! Letting someone know that he or she is admired can make an uneventful day special. It promotes friendship and camaraderie between two people who has so many things in common in the first place. Communication becomes less formal and along the way, the one who admires and the admired can become fast friends due to the realization that they are not so different from each other at all. Expressing admiration is a first step in building relationships that can be cherished forever.

However, no matter how well intended, expressing admiration for a person can be very awkward. Some people tend to be really shy and do not have much confidence in their verbal skills. Good thing is that there's an easy way to say “I Admire You”---with the help of flowers!

Light pink roses convey admiration to the person without getting the words and the signals mixed up. Give your idol a bunch of Calimas to let him or her know that you appreciate their hard work or whatever qualities they have that you hold in high regard. It's simple: visit the website of Island Rose, choose Calimas, fill in the necessary information for payment and delivery, and wait for a few days and voila! You have fresh light pink roses straight from the farm. Treat your role model to a special gift. It might not be as permanent as a trophy, but giving Calimas to the person you admire can certainly start and cement a lasting friendship.

This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Philippines Flowers Delivery. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can Send Flowers to the Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.

Growing roses in tropical climates

Roses are one of the most popular Flowers in the world due to their beauty and deep symbolism. It is said that there is a rose of every color for every person, for every emotion. However, besides being popular for these admirable qualities, roses are also well-known to be one of the more difficult flowers to grow. They need very specific conditions to look and stay at their best. Just one missing requirement and a healthy bush of roses can wither and (if not remedied immediately) die.

Roses thrive best in temperate countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, to name a few. In other words, roses prefer mild climates that are not very prone to extreme changes in seasons or temperature. They can't stand it if it's too hot or too cold, and it is only in temperate zones that roses grow most naturally.

Tropical countries, on the other hand, have high temperatures and humidity or moisture content in the air. Examples of tropical countries are the Philippines, Indonesia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile and Argentina, to name a few. There are only two seasons: dry, when the temperature reaches record levels during the summer months and wet, when typhoons make their seasonal rounds with heavy rain and thunderstorms.

Given these conditions present in tropical countries, it is no wonder that growing roses have become a tough challenge. Roses are sensitive plants---too much or too little can kill them quite easily. How do rose growers in tropical climates manage to grow them then? Growing roses the natural way requires a lot of manpower and constant attention. The rose grower/s must be on guard all the time to shade the bushes when it becomes too hot, to cover them when it's raining and to have the pesticide always on hand.

In the Philippines, growing roses are better managed in colder localities such as Tagaytay and Baguio, where temperatures are milder than usual. The environment of such places in the Philippines is similar to temperate climate. Thus, the quality of roses grown is markedly better than its counterparts.

Rose growers in tropical countries also use greenhouses in order to grow their roses. In greenhouses, the environment can easily be controlled, thus resulting to less damage on the rose crop and less manpower. The rose grower need not worry about sudden changes in the weather since the flowers are encased in a glass house, protected from pests and excessive rain and heat.

With the help of technology and human ingenuity, roses are now grown all over the world with more ease. Indeed, they have become more beautiful than ever as eternal symbols of love and peace.

This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Philippine Flower Delivery. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can Send Flowers Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cheering up Friends with Flowers

There are times in life when things go so bad that you or someone you know just wants to hide under a rock and not be seen by another living creature for the next century or so. Times like when a friend feels so down that even soothing words have stopped having any meaning at all, when days go by in a dreary gray of routine and living has just become a mindless process of shuffling one foot ahead of the other one to move (if you can manage standing up in the first place). As much as possible, we don't want anyone we love or care for to undergo this kind of pain and suffering in their lives, but it can be said that these things are inevitable aspects of existence.

Separating from a lover, losing valuable property, losing a job, a serious accident, or the death of a loved one can profoundly depress a person. These are some of the things that can make someone lose all interest in life and may even change his or her behavior which in turn will affect his or her relationships with other people. In daily usage, “depression” is usually taken to mean as a temporary downturn in mood because of petty reasons, such as the failure of a boyfriend to answer calls. However, clinical depression is a serious psychiatric disorder that needs medical attention. It can affect the afflicted person's life in all aspects since a clinically depressed patient loses all interest in enjoying normally fulfilling activities due to a pervasive low mood. In worst cases, the patient can go as far as committing suicide to end the misery.

We don't want this to happen to our friends. Whether their depression is trivial or severe, we need to give them all the love and attention they need in order to cope with their problems in life. This takes a lot of effort, but if we truly care for our friends, we will not dismiss them as “just another emo” (emo being the degrading term for oftentimes sensitive people who tend to feel bad about trivial things). Besides medical attention (in case the depression is severe), we need to give them our time and support them through---as the cliché goes—-thick and thin.

How do you do it? First of all, when you notice that a friend is feeling down, don't wait for him or her to approach you about the problem. Go on ask about it. Your friend will definitely appreciate your concern. Afterwards, spend time with your friend and help solve the problem. Give encouraging presents such as cards, letters, and of course---flowers! Giving some flowers wouldn't hurt especially if your friend happens to be bedridden or if he or she just lost a loved one to death. Flowers can surely cheer anyone up, since the act is so thoughtful and caring. It just shows the depth of your concern for any depressed person in dire need of it. Have the flowers delivered straight to your friend's doorstep by the courier or deliver them yourself for an extra personal touch. Delivery is usually fast and efficient so you don't have to wait long for them to arrive.

Fresh flowers for a depressed friend can really do wonders. Try it today and watch your friend's face brighten up!

This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Send Gifts to the Philippines. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can send Flowers Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.